How we contribute
NHI offers flexible, cost-effective and standardized solutions for a modern and fair digital health and medical care system that strives to bridge social, cultural, infrastructure and geographical distances in an organization or community.
Virtual Health Room (VHR)
The Virtual Health Room (VHR) is a tailor-made unmanned health room, open 24/7 for caregivers. Nordic Health Innovation's platform is based on an intuitive and educational interface based on the care provider's perspective, enabling the patient to easily navigate the system and take medical samples on their own.
You can do this in the health room
Here, all municipal residents can enter and, for example, check blood pressure and take blood samples. The devices are via a central server linked to district lenders and healthcare journal systems. The physicians or nurses located in another location can be connected via video link, if necessary, and the room is equipped with a variety of devices for different purposes. The rooms function as a self-service facility, where people can easily screen themselves and get a first doctor's contact. Local service units, such as schools and retirement homes, can also use the room and its equipment as part of school education and everyday care. This way, these institutions with modern tools can detect ways of working that help schools and elderly care to collaborate with other schools and retirement homes in Sweden and elsewhere.
NHI's technical solution for virtual healthcare is based on Ericsson's IoT Application Platform, which, in turn, uses components in Microsoft Azure. Sigma is responsible for functions, integrations and new services to the platform. NHI and Sigma have strategically chosen to comply with the internationally recognized Continua standard when it comes to connected medical devices.